Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I must try not to stray from what I know to be true.

From: Buddha Blessings

‎"Seeking the truth" should be part of everyone's lives. However, you may not know where to begin. Here are a few tips.
• Look at yourself. Not only in the mirror of course, you have to look at all of yourself - body and soul. Be objective. Even the characteristics, traits, that is, those qualities in yourself that you do not like-exam...ine these closely. Have a true perspective of yourself.

• Always ask yourself about what the "spiritual" aspect of your life is making you experience right now. Reflect on the spiritual side of life many times a day.

• Identify what patterns of thinking, and "bad habits" that you may have that make you blind to the deeper meaning of your life. Always look for ways to overcome these behaviors, and especially watch out if these are unconscious. You may need a therapist to help you work on your unconscious.

• Make a search of ways to make you even more open to your spiritual side. Identify what spiritual practices are best suited for you to be receptive and understanding of the spiritual truths that govern us and the universe.

• Give a part of each day over for "contemplation" and "reflection". These are two different activities. You focus upon your mission, your destiny, your calling and your purpose. These synonymous words of course can bring similar concepts to your mind. Reflect on these words as they apply to your life. Contemplate, that is, see with your mind (and heart) an object or person that is meaning to your life-to you each and every day. When you reflect on the other hand, you look for lessons that your life experiences are teaching you. Do not go through life hastily. Pause, reflect and learn thereby.

• Have time with little kids. Little children can surprisingly be wonderful sources of enlightenment and wondrous insights. Listen to whatever question they may pose, and see if you can picture yourself as the child that asked that question. See from the same point of view of innocent curiosity. Incorporate this simple, spiritual curiosity as part of your spiritual quest.

• Finally, keep a spiritual notebook or a spiritual journal. Spiritual means that your journey is the focus of such a notebook or journal. However, include general observation and insights. Include things that seem trivial.

"Don't blindly believe what I say. Don't believe me because others convince you of my words. Don't believe anything you see, read, or hear from others, whether of authority, religious teachers or texts. Don't rely on logic alone, nor speculation. Don't infer or be deceived by appearances."

"Do not give up your authority and follow blindly the will of others. This way will lead to only delusion."

"Find out for yourself what is truth, what is real. Discover that there are virtuous things and there are non-virtuous things. Once you have discovered for yourself give up the bad and embrace the good."
- The Buddha
( * If you feel even just a tiny bit unconfortable, step away.. from a person, from a situation.. step away. You DON'T have to stick arround. You can choose.

Learn to say NO.

Stop trying to please everyone! Ask yourself these questions: will these people be there for you if you need them? Can’t they really do these things themselves instead of running to you all the time? What will YOU gain from helping out this person?

It’s your life and your time, so you better start prioritizing things that will make YOU happy.* )

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