Tuesday, September 14, 2010

No Romeo.. that's for sure.

I dated a boy for approx 30 days back in 1994. This boy walked away the day I told him I was pregnant. I was 18yrs old working as a cashier with thankfully my family to help me. 14yrs go by, with no word, no contact from the guy, just a measley $120 a month child support check in the mail (which did stop by the 9th year.) Since the day that boy walked away from me and the pregnancy, my now husband has been there by our side lovingly taking care of us. We've grown, we've wed in 1999, bought our home, and we have a beautiful loving close-knit family with an addition of Jakers & 3 funny cats. Our daughter knew only my husband as her Daddy...that is until the day "that boy from long ago" came back into the picture wanting to be some kind of father after all these years. With no thought or consideration for others feelings, but his own he stalked our daughter through out the neighborhood. Until the one day he decided to approach her and give her the cold harsh news of being her dad.  What kind of human being would be so self centered and uncaring as to lay that kind of information on a 14 yr old girl? It just boggles my mind how anyone could be THAT COLD to a child. My Child! My information has always remained upated and current with the courts. He should've contacted me first to ease the blow. STRIKE ONE!

After the blow began to settle, he having her curiousity, began to talk. This stranger comes into our home spilling promises left and right. He promised he wouldn't step on any ones toes, he only wanted to know our daughter, be a friend to her. He charmed us every step of the way, until he got his foot in the door. He even offered work to my husband (knowing he was just laid off from his job) from his contracting business he runs. (which happens to be fraudulent. They should arrest him for not paying taxes). He quickly started showering all of us with gifts, buying his way, and our daughters affections. Before long we got smart to his game. And he started with his attempt to drive a wedge between Dana & her family. STRIKE TWO!

Failing miserably, he tried everything from badmouthing we the parents, to manipulation, playing on Dana's emotions, vying for her attention. And when she didn't make time for him anymore he got pissed off and filed for partial custody, and visitation. STRIKE THREE

Can someone PLEASE tell me, what sized balls it takes to do something like this after 14yrs of NOT BEING THERE? The guy obviously has huge nuts or is seriously STUPID. I'm so glad the court sees what a derranged and dellusional psycho he is. Sad thing is, he hasn't recieved the final ruling in the mail yet- so he still thinks he has some kind of chance with pretending to play dad. Sept 30th can't come fast enough! He is such a joke. A pathetic waste of space, about to ruin another child's life as he's expected a baby boy in October. I give it a month! before he walks out on that too. Funny thing is; he doesn't realize how good he had it, with us allowing ana to see him- until greed set in and he filed for MORE. it's just like the old saying; you give an inch, they take a mile! Now he won't have anything. Good going F-tard.

I could probably go on forever listing all the low scumbag things he's done especially since coming back into our lives last year, but I wont. He's not even worth the breath. He's NOT a nice person, period.
I'm calming down now from our Support order meeting/followup on Monday. Again an utter waste of time. He swore on a bible in front of a Master 3 weeks ago that he in deed had a full time job. Yesterday he claimed he was conveniently out of work because he owes 6 grand in back support payments. HOW do these losers keep getting away with this shit? HOW? I just dont get it and maybe I shouldn't even try or waste my time. But a part of me wants to sock it to him... why should he not step up and take responsibilty? Especially after destroying our daughters emotional stability with his untimely announcement. YOU want to be a FATHER? take responsibility for your actions. He cares about no one but himself period. I curse him with a thousand painful deaths! He's about as sincere as a counterfiet $5 bill.

I filed for Contempt of a court order in which I get to see his miserable face in late October. JOY! I wonder if he'll have his little lawyer there again to help speak on behalf of his dumbass. In a way I hope he does waste thousands, when all I need and have are the facts. And that's why I feel pissed that I even need to go through this with him. It's sadly obvious! I despise no one as much as I do him. But as long as I breathe, I'll battle him tooth and nail until he get's the message. I wish the court would allow him to hear Dana's testimony given on Aug 27th. Then we could be all done and over with this.

I'll surrender this now up to God. In my eyes, we've already won.

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