Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's Not PMS- It's YOU!

I'm not feeling organized in my own home as of late. Things keep getting messy when you share a home with two kids, a husband, and three mischievious kitties. I know I'm not alone in the endless vicious cycle of mess, but I can only bite my tongue for so long before my whistle blows. Alot of it has to do with my sons endless amount of toys. He doesn't just collect toys, he collects various items from around my home too that in his mind can be used as weapons for playing soldier, or camping gear. The boy brought a bag full of sticks and leaves into my home to play with. I REFUSE to, but I certainly could vaccum everyday not just from the leaves coming in from the rainy fall season, but from eating that goes on in the living room in front of the tv. Why even have a dining room table and chairs if you wont sit and eat there? And for the record, the dining room table is not for accumilating mounds of shit! Keys have a place, newspapers get recycled after reading, and shopping bags should be emptied and put away. Please hang the school bags in the coat closet. It's very simple, and it keeps mom happy.

Mom also hates waking up to a dirty kitchen, especially when she wiped everything down the night before. IT GETS OLD really quick. It's bad enough that I have to keep up with the natural occurance of dust and cat hair. Please take a minute and wipe the counter after you make a sandwich or chow down some cookies. I know the coffee pot is fickle and tends to drip when pouring, but we've had the same coffee pot for the past 5yrs, take 4 steps to the left and POUR YOUR COFFEE OVER THE SINK if you know it drips or feel free to wipe down the counter, and front of the cabinet and floor, when your done making that mess. And for the record this also applies to the sugar bowl.

The list goes on and on. Little things here and there, but they add up! And it knocks the ZEN right out of me. All the sage in the world can't help me now. Just cooperative roomates can. I just got rid of ALOT of stuff last week by giving it to the salvation army and I still feel overwhelmed by stuff. I'm starting to see the logic in Fueng Shui. Less is more. Simple. I moved all my sons toys & toy box to his bedroom so I wouldn't have to see it overflowing all over our house. So instead of playing with his toys in his room now, he plays with my decorations. So I'm still cleaning crap up at the end of the night. I now wonder why we have tv sets in each of the kids bedrooms, because they only seem to watch tv in the living room. Why do I bother making dinner when the whole family doesn't sit down and eat together? My son eats only hotdogs and chicken nuggets, my daughter pretty much only eats chicken. I want my kids to be healthy~how can I get them to eat dinner?

I haven't felt this annoyed with petty stuff in years. I learned to let the little things slide, but now It's a matter of laziness. Our kids learn from example, so let's teach them not to leave the cleanup for the next schmuk. Teach them responsibility without resenting it, show them how to live greener, and cleaner. Teach them that love comes from within and not from 1000 toys. Uh there's many lessons that we could highlight here, but I'm sure to some I sound like the teacher on the Peanuts cartoon. wah wah wah wahhhh wahhhh.

And Men.... for the record... NO IT"S NOT PMS! Do you think I live to clean shitty toilets after each time you take a massive explosive shit? When you pee, AIM for the pot! When you chew your food, do it with your mouth closed!  When you undress, put the dirty clothes in the laundry basket not at the foot of the bed. Shoes...OUT OF THE WALKWAY PLEASE preferably on the stairs or in the shoe tray. Not using the phone? hang it up! Not in a room? shut off the light. It's not hard to do people. I can't begin to count how many times I find the basement light left on with nobody down there. NO it's not ghosts.

Lately, all I've been wanting to do is sleep. If I sleep- I dont have to think or deal with conflict an these things that are bugging me. I'm alone, and it's peaceful. I'm actually thinking about setting up my bedroom with my own personal tv (for my shows only), a laptop and my own personal reading library and most importantly a DEAD BOLT LOCK for the bedroom door! Because everyone needs a place of tranquility, decluttered from bullshit and TOYS! or a spa package! lol

Lord, give me strength. Give me patience and the energy to keep up. Most importantly, give me back my desire to keep going.

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