Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Who are these people?

Something happened this past weekend that really opened my eyes and it made me start question, who exactly are the people we call our friends? What do we really know about them, about eachother? Sure we usually meet up for drinks here and there, have bbq's and house parties throughout the years, but we're not chatting about things that matter. Usually our get togethers are "to relax" much needed downtime from our stressful lives. How dare we talk about matters with any meaning, just the usual small talk. Thinking about this kind of made me sad, because Chris and I were ready to cut ourselves off from some friends over lack of communication, and other qualities friendships are typically made of but were not there. As it turned out, these two friends have been going through a really difficult time, and we had no idea. This is very upsetting to us, and it's left us wanting to take the time and really get to know our friends.

When we consider someone a friend, we welcome them as family. We love with all our hearts and so we are equally as hurt if we are wronged by these people without care. Basically what I'm saying is, for us, we take friendship very seriously :) It means something to us. We are not the kind of people who call everyone a friend or even best friend. Friends are far and few between and we care about the friends we have.

In my mind I had preconcieved notions that everyone in our little group talked often, got together often with eachother, and were pretty much close. I was suprised to find out otherwise. Most havent seen or talked to eachother since our last get together. I was also saddened when I found out some people felt it to be strange if one made plans with another friend in the group without extending an invite to the person who originally introduced them to the group. And here, I felt we were all good friends, enough to just get together with whomever- because we are after all ADULTS, not highschool kids. No one is plotting to steal anyone away. haha

So for now on, I'm really making an effort to get to know these people as the friends I consider them to be. One on one, with real conversation, new memories and laughs. Something that cannot always be achieved in a group setting. And to push this even further, I really want to know their families, and kiddies, and pets! Why don't we involve the children more? Some of us have them, or will be having them- I want our kids to know eachother! I want everyone, kids included to feel welcomed in our home. Growing up as a kid, my parents always took us with them to friends houses, and bbqs and such. I want that too :) Kids can add an awesome dynamic to the friendship I think. It's just another level we can bond on.

These have been my thoughts, and now my mission.
Blessed Be :)

1 comment:

  1. this is so very true. I had the unfortunate opportunity to learn this the hard way but they say hind site is 20/20. I've learn who my real friends are who I can and can't count on and who will walk with me through everything till the bitter end kids in tow.and although they may be few they are my true friends .
