Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Motives- Insomniac Chronicals

So last night I was laying in bed thinking about things (of course-because what else would I be doing in bed? lol certainly not sleeping). And, I began thinking about people and situations that have happened with certain people I know, and how alterior motives are usually a driving force. Do most people have alterior motives for everything they do? I find it to be very sad that some need a motive to either get something they want, or to stop something from happening. Why not just cut to the chase and be upfront with your feelings, your wants, and needs? I think it's sneaky and a big waste of time to motive driven. I would rather have people be open and honest with me instead of using manipulation tactics. Because, #1 if you don't feel you can talk openly with me, then you're probably not going to get what you want in the first place. So, don't waste our time.

It takes a lot of planning and thought processing to "play with motives." This is a pass-time I don't endulge in. It's interesting though to listen to some of the crazy scenarios people come up with while trying to pinpoint another's motives. Which also takes a lot of thought, and frankly kind of hurts my brain! lol This is why I could never be motive driven- I'm migraine prone! It just cracks me up how the rest of the world seems to be all caught up in that whole game. I mean, is every one manipulative? Does any one else see the wrong in that? It's so much more real, and easy to just say what you mean, and mean what you say. Be up front about things, and quit beating around the bush. People might find a lot less stress and drama to cope with.... or is that what people are searching for?  Here's some advice, if you like mysteries, play Clue, don't play with peoples lives.

And that!! was last night's Insomniac Chronical. hehehe

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