Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chronicals of an Insomniac. pt 1

Now I lay me down to sleep.... laying in bed my mind a creep. AHHH!!! Not sure why I'm so wide awake after sunset, and so dead to the world during the day. Maybe I'm a vampire, but I haven't grew any cool fangs yet so that can't be right. And my nails are so hard to grow, they are nothing like any subhuman creature that I know. Anyway it's 4am and I've been tossing and turning since 2am because my mind is fully alive and thriving with thoughts and ideas at that hour. Ugh it's so frustrating when my mind wont quit, and learn to function on normal hours like everyone else. It's no wonder I sleep all day.

So I've decided to start a new series of blogs called "The chronicals of an insomniac." (If that's even what I should call myself- cause technically- well you know my deal.) It's about all the random thoughts that go through my head while trying to sleep like the rest of world. Maybe I should move to New York! The city that never sleeps! It is thriving with artists and musicians, people of all sorts trying to make the spot light. I could fit in, if only I could stand the over crowded population factor. UGH, can I ever win? lol

K so, I'm laying in bed  sound asleep (yeah more like what you'd call a 2hr nap) when I wake thirsty as all hell. I gulp down the bottled water on my nightstand and go to the bathroom to make a tinkle. I'm trying to do this with my eyes closed because the light will instantly wake me up, and I know this. Being highly accident prone in the dark, with my eyes closed no less I am forced to turn on the light- which could be a good thing because I just so noticed we were out of TP. So back to the linen closet for some rolls of tp I go. So Im on the pot, and I change the roll which requires some thought "do I place the paper roll up or down?" hmmm... I left it to chance, which happened to be up! and I thought well, Tiffany would be happy about this. So yes, Im sitting on the toilet at 2am thinking of my dear friend Tiffany... nice. She should feel loved lol. (Tiff has this weird thing about tp placement.) And soooo.... needless to say this all got the ball of thought rolling.

I try to go back to sleep anyway. And as I try finding my comfy spot between my hubby and the cat stretched out somewhere in the middle, my eye catches a shimmer of light reflected from a mirror of a passing car I suppose. My mind begins to analyze whether or not thats what it actually was. It's much more fascinating if it were something supernatural, but not this time. My gaze shifts out the window from bed admiring how my patio light illuminates the branches of our dormant dogwood tree... I begin thinking how lovely those branches would be in a new art piece I'm stirring up. I spend another 30 minutes or so planning out the details for that, when my tummy makes a sound. Guess I shouldn't have drunk that cherry cola before bed earlier. teehee.... my poor husband- I think I woke him up. But the cat didn't seem to mind, and she was in prime position for the worst of it. (which btw, she did eventually move. lol)

My mind then shifts to photography and some ideas I have. I must buy some more backdrops! More more more! The problem is, my creative ideas work on such a grander scale, my wallet cannot keep up, nor does space allow. And you know how I feel about limitation. That was another blog entirely. I'm destined for greatness... I just need to figure out how to do it on my budget right now. Now that's where creativity really sets in. So now I'm toying with lighting ideas as Im tossing still trying to get comfortable. Oh no the cola is really building up now.... sigh... I leave the room to be a little more discreet, but this would only continue on for the next hour. So here I am wide awake at nearly 5am blogging. And even as I write this, Im wondering why my scalp has been so itchy and flakey this week when it occurs to me- I ran out of head n shoulders and have been trying to use up the other bottles of shampoo that have taken up residence in my shower. All to save a buck, and for the sake of the environment I guess.... it's not nice to be wasteful. So why did I have to buy the bulk size again? Ugh it's a viscious cycle.

I could go on and on..... even now I'm forming a shopping list of materials to pick up. I'm thinking about reupholstering the chair I bought for an amazing $5.00 in a trendy yet fashionable zebra print. I think it would serve me well in some pictures I have planned. Ohhh I need to get to that fabric store asap! I really need too find hair combs for those hats I made too. Shit! I could kick myself sometimes- for letting it get down to the last minute for things. I promised those hats to be ready and shipped last week. UGH but I can't find COMBS anywhere! I need to get out and find them tomorrow afternoon at the latest and get them in the mail, which will have to be express mail now. The damn shit is starting to add up cost wise. This is why anything I ever do- hardly brings any profit. TIME is AGAINST me.

and so...before I get whiney and start complaining I'm ending this here. To all of you sleepy heads sleeping right now, rest well... I'll surely find my rest after the sun comes up and you're all heading to the job, or school, or wherever it is you go. I have yet another two hours before I have anything that "needs" doing. So I suppose I'll just sit here and listen to the rain on my window. And debate whether or not I want to suprise the family with a  hot cooked breakfast- since... well... I have nothing else to do. hahaha

Ciao until tomorrow night my friends.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha!! Too funny that you thought of me while changing the toilet paper roll at 2 am. I do feel the love!
