Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wait, do I look interested?

UGH... is all I have to say after the dentist appointments scheduled for the kids today. I guess I should be happy that the kids have coverage, but not thrilled the whole process of scheduling and waiting in the waiting room over 2hrs for just a cleaning and checkup. It's our first time at this place called Cavity Busters up in the NE. It's one of 3 places I could find in our so-called area that accept Both the kids diff insurances. I'd rather take them at the same time & place then splitting up the visits. Because, well scheduling around school and after school activities is hard enough. It didn't help matters, that we took both kids out of school early only to run late anyway and the fact none of us had eatten. Appt was at 3:15, got there at 3:20 and didn't leave until 5:45! My hubby was having a fricken fit! I have to admit the wait was killing my butt. Hahaha I dislike sitting in waiting rooms, especially when I have errands to run. But such is so I guess. What are ya supposed to do?

So finally the kids are done and I go back to speak with the dentist about the dreadded verdict. Before he even tells me anything, he's chatting away on his cell phone. Then preceeds to chew my ear off for 30 minutes about his personal life. SERIOUSLY? I have hungry kids and a husband waiting to eat just outside this door. They might EAT YOU if you don't get on with it. I try to be a compassionate person, but even I couldn't look any less interested at that point. Turns out Dee's teeth are great (just stained from that mouth rinse she was using after surgery of her wisdom teeth). But a good cleaning did her well. Jake on the other hand, my darling little problem child, has 1 nasty cavity and 7 surface cavities. JOY be still my heart! NOT! So I'm at the desk scheduling his appoints for fillings and the secretary is just as bad as the Dentist with her chat chat chatting away like I have all the time in the world. Meanwhile I see my hubby poking his head through the paned glass to see whats taking so long. Oh dear Lord! She doesn't understand the earfull of shit Im going to get when I get outside this building.  People don't take hints very well there. I hope every visit isn't like this. Or I'll need to change offices again. WHY oh WHY must everything be an added stress? With all the medical buildings around why cant I find one down the street? And more convenient?

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