Friday, August 13, 2010

Clearing the Clutter

K so, I've been meditating all this week, getting plenty of rest & relaxation, and I've even managed some alone time with scrapbook therepy :) I just love focusing on me for a change. I've been focusing these past 6+ months on the wrong people and things. It's taken a toll. But I feel Im on my way back to happiness. I may even pick up a new read soon. (something I havent been able to do)

So I've sat quietly, stilling my mind (as much as possible anyway lol) and so much weight has been lifted. The stress is melting away and I'm actually able to think clearly now. Amazing! I'm ashamed to admit... I haven't been very zen since around May of this year. So much emotional upset, and loss of friends have come to pass. I guess I'd better be more careful for what I wish for. Or at least be ready for it.

While on my girl-cation in AC this June, I thought it would be fun to see a palm reader. They are a dime a dozen along the boardwalk but it was only $5, what's a little entertainment? Not long into the reading this old gypsy woman "Ruby" stared piercingly into my soul! Im not kidding! It was intense and everything she was telling me had meaning. It was making sense- and to this day things that she told me are coming true. One thing in particular was that someone close to me that I cared about was two faced, not really a friend. This person was talking an awful lot of crap behind my back over jealousy. At the time I had an idea of who I thought it was. But it wasn't until two weeks ago that I really found out who it was. SPOOKY. It's the little oddball validations I get that keep me believing even if it was a hoax. She also told me becoming a millionaire was NOT in my stars :( That was the question in my mind which she totally picked up on. She did say I'd get to do alot of traveling in the next 5yrs. And that business will pick up again after a dry spell. In the end, there will be some more ups and downs ahead- but in the end all will be ok. I'm thinking it's time for another Tarot Card Reading. :) My last reading predicted a split with a bizz partner over money (which happened).

It's creepy but cool how in tuned I have been lately with hunches and insight with other people. It feels nice to be back in touch. Dana seems to be picking up some intuitiveness as well- finally :)

So now I'm having all sorts of crazy bazaar dreams again. But last night's dream left me with an awful shortness of breath and pain in my chest. I never remember having a physical side effect from a dream before. In the dream I was enhaling a cigg so deeply- I can still taste smoke in my throat. And I'm not a smoker. WEIRD! ((Your insight on this would be appreciated!!!!))

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