Thursday, January 13, 2011


Our son has a mind of his own, or is it something more? I can stand right in front of him instructing him and I get a blank stare. He does NOT listen! Is it by choice? I wonder. Or is there an underlying medical reason for it? HOW many times must I repeat myself until I get through to him? It's averaging around 4-5 times or until I lose my temper. THEN and ONLY THEN, when my voice is hightened and annoyed will I get a reaction. Ugh.... Counting to Ten......

I wonder sometimes who the parent is. I'm constantly being ordered around by my 6yr old. Do this, do that. And God forbid I don't jump on command. He will nag the shit out of me for hours on end if he knows we are going somewhere, or wants something. And if he doesn't want to do something, I hear that too. Tears, whining, crying, the works. How can such a sweet boy be such a nightmare on the flip side of the coin? And when did I lose CONTROL?

Being ignored, and taken for some kind of push over is really getting me unnerved.

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