Saturday, December 31, 2011

Quotes Noted

From the Book Kris Jenner and all things Kardashian.
Some of my favorite quotes; highlighted.

"You're going to meet the same people on the way down as you did on the way up. So be grateful and humble for the blessings that have been given to you."

"If someone says no, you're talking to the wrong person."

"If I wanted to get ahead in life, I needed to work."

"If you want something bad enough, and are willing to change your life for it, you can do anything."

While speaking about her 1st marriage; "There are ups and downs and changes in life, but you have to have self-control. You have to understand that relationships have their ebbs and flows, and that life just evolves. It is about love and friendship. It's not always about passion and heat."

"Act on your feelings and share your thoughts rather than hold back, even if it means crossing a privacy line. When you feel like something is really really wrong, it's usually wrong. Follow your instincts; you might just change someone's life."

"Being a Mom means; unconditional, all the time."

"At what point in your life do you stop evolving? Never."

"I am exactly where I'm supposed to be because I know God has a plan for my life."

"Don't ever dicount your environment. Where you live, work, and play has a powerful effect on your happiness and productivity."

"If you feel like you need to go visit your loved one, then go! My instincts would prove to be right." While Kris spoke of her father falling ill.

"Never give up on your dreams just because life get's in the way."

Business 101: "Be nice to everybody. Never take anyone at face value."

"Figure out what you love to do in life and then figure out a way to get paid for it."

I really enjoyed reading this book. I always admired Kris Jenner for her hard work, but after reading this book I've found a new respect for her. Thanks Kris!

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