Monday, November 8, 2010

Etiquette 101

Sometimes I wonder why people even bother to say anything at all. Say what you mean, and mean what you say for God sake. I'm mainly talking about those who "always" say I miss you, we need to get together. And then never get back to you when you accept. Is it just small talk? I understand how busy life can be, people have schedules, people are tired after work. Then, don't ask if we can meet up- if you dont plan to follow through! It's not hard people!  And my feelings wont be hurt. lol

I think it's even more rude, when plans are actually made and then canceled last minute. Unless there's actually a good reason "not an excuse." It boggles my mind how much the times have changed when it comes to RSVP's to formal occassions, showers, birthdays, etc too. People just don't feel the need to even respond anymore.  I hear about this far too often from different people. I mean come on people- it's RUDE!

People have no class these days. They have no "follow through." Pitty- what is that teaching the next generation? We're doomed... if we don't start setting good examples for our kids about the importance of promise and commitment and then actually follow through.

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