Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Time for a reinvention :P

Sometimes I don't know whether to give up or dive deeper into my work, family, health, or life in general. It would be so easy to just give up and give a big ole middle finger to the world, but really I don't want to go out like that. So it may be time to reinvent myself. And that's exactly what I've started to do. Healthwise, it's paying off. I feel good! Lately, I feel so good I forget how old I actually am. Yesterday I was goofing off trying to immitate my goldfish when they are hungry.... I did a flying leap into the air with the most tramatic looking face, sending the family into a fit of hysterics! Last night and through most of the day today I was suffering excrusiating pain in my theighs and back side knees. Ahh why yes, that new scent I'm wearing is BEN GAY! simmered on high with a heating pad! lol I feel like a 100 bucks now by the way.

Oh and since Im eating nothing but healthy these past few weeks, Im hoping my lack of artificial hormone intake smooths over soon. I am a 34 year old mature woman and should NOT be having facial breakouts! For crying out loud! Im not sure if I have lost any weight yet (I avoid the scale) but I definately have more energy and mentally feel thinner. My husband noticed :) or was he being nice?

Anyway, I've taken up an interest family wise again. I forgot how much I've enjoyed spending time with certain family members :) Laughter and enjoyment have returned, and my days aren't so blah blah blah anymore. I actually give a shit about things other than me! How about that? lol Sleep is overrated anyway. Spring is here and I want to enjoy it. I hope by Summer, I'll be well on my way to bathing suit shopping!!! Hello! Hell I'll be happy just to fit into a cute mini skirt, and form fitting top again. I'm planning on having a bonfire for all my cover ups and baby doll tops & big butt jeans! Hoot Hoot! Can I get a size 6 please? I've decided to settle for a size 6 instead of my glorified size 4 (I always mention.) It's more realistic, but who knows what natural body God really intends me to have. I've stopped eating the CRAP! I might be a size 4! Here's hoping! Mentally Im ready, and Im mentally preparing to dive into an exercise program next. I just recieved SKINNY BITCH BODY. 

Another area I'd like to reinvent myself is with my photography. I think now Im ready to be a little more picky and choosey. My vision of final outcome is becoming more clear and certain. I know the quality of work I want to produce, and Im ready to make it happen. :)

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