Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Hope (:

After a week filled with the stresses of parenting and a sick 5yr old, we were due to have some fun. So I suggested we take a ride to New Hope for some fresh air, lunch and shopping. My daughter usually enjoys the jewelery stores and novelty shops. She informed me today that she'd like to redo her bedroom with dragons and gothic fun stuff. Haha. Rubie chicken tagged along today and we had a ball looking in all the Indian shops for the diety Ganesh statues, opium incense and charged candles. teehee. Good stuff.

We stopped off at Fran's for lunch- good food, long wait. I had a fiesta burger YUM! hot peppers, pepperjack cheese and bacon burger on a kieser roll. Everyone else enjoyed chicken cheesesteaks and wraps, which were all very good. But it wasn't long after, that we discovered a little French Pastry shoppe. So with my daughter "really into her French class" at school, we decided to get a dessert and coffee :) Love love loved it! The pastries looked too pretty to be real. They were painted, icened, cremed, caked, moussed, you name it. And they definately tasted as good as they looked! FRESH made on site! Dana and I day dreamed about opening a lil coffee shoppe of our own one day.

We later ventured off down a side street to check out some shops that we didn't know existed. We found one filled with real creepy shit! a child's coffin, headstones, all sorts of weird ass shit like human hair made into artwork, lots of caged baby dolls, and antiques. Most were creeped out by the man's collection. Dana & I soon found ourselves to be the last ones in the store, Rubie felt uneasy, and my hubby said he felt a heaviness on his chest while in the store. I don't know how it came about but the owner started chatting with us about some weird craft- of styling dead peoples hair! He even gave me a website to checkout on it. LOL Um ok then- sure- I'll get right on that! hahaha I don't enjoy doing live peoples hair yet alone dead peoples. Odd that he should pick that up-me having my hairdressing license and all. I'm sure he's a very nice man- yet I can't shake the creepy feeling that he could be some psycho grave robber/baby killer or something... that's judging by his odd collection of things and fascination with death.

We hit the jackpot when we entered a Native American Indian shop. We learned about the native amercian Indian artist who brings his items to the store, admired alot of detailed pieces and head dresses, jewelry, and etc. Then found the mother load of affordable sage and sweet grass! The woman sold it at base price with was like 50% off from what the occult shoppes retail. We just love a good deal- it doesn't matter what it is LOL. Let our homes be purified of the negative buildup, and bring fresh positive energies back in. Tomorrow I shall do some spring cleaning! I know how much my neighbors just love when I burn sage!!!! NOT!

We got to chatting, about going to a native indian powwow possibly this summer. Now that sounds exciting! I think I'm a culture junkie- I'm just very fascinated! Perhaps it's the inner world traveler in me (: I wanna smoke the peace pipe in a teepee and dance around the fire LOL. I'll be Dances with wolves. hehehe

After a long filled afternoon of walking ans shopping and walking and shopping some more we were ready to call it a day and head back to the homestead. It was nice to get out for the day. And it was a nice change to have some one on one time with my chickie. I'm looking forward to all the fun things were planning for the summer!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I've Gone Public!

I've been blogging for close to a decade now. Every couple years I'll delete my entire blog to the great abyss of nothingness as a sort of closing ceremony to that era of my life. With that having been said, I am not ready to delete my old private blog on Myspace, but I am starting this new blog that I can share with all of you openly. =) Yay!

Blogging is probably the healthiest thing one can do. It's like free therepy sessions! In my earlier blog years I spent alot of time dreaming about the things I didn't have but wanted, complaining about people that annoyed me, then I went through a time when I just had nothing to write about. But after some time I began blogging about life and how wonderful it is when you stop fighting it. I was finding my own spirituality, and I blogged endlessly along my journey. Perhaps that is why I'm unable to delete my most recent blog. Spritual growth never ceases- it's an ongoing exciting journey. And I'm excited to share my thoughts with you all now :) Hear your comments, and just hope that maybe what I have to say- can help someone else along the way. "To achieve immortality, share your knowledge" -spoken by the Dalai Lama

I tend to blog about everything... not just my thoughts and feelings about spirituality. Sometimes I just love to share humorous videos, sayings, and outright rediculous thoughts! So feel free to skip around. Take what you want and leave the rest. But whatever you do, enjoy the ride.