Monday, September 6, 2010

Loyalty, does it exist?

Maybe I'm old skool, or maybe the rest of the world forgot what it means to be loyal in their relationships. With the exception to a few, too many people would rather remain "neutral" whenever a separation or breakup/ friendship ending occurs. That's one way to go about keeping the peace, but have you thought about those who might be hurt by the lack of loyalty?

I think remaining "neutral" in any case is a cop out. It's a way of saying "I don't value you enough to take a look at what's really going on. You're feelings don't matter enough to me to back you." Because then it would actually take some work and time devoted in the relationship/ friendship whatever. But isn't that whole point? What is a relationship if there's no quality or body behind it? Maybe, it's something learned over time, maybe it's how some are raised. All I know today, is that there is a whole lot of LACKING going on in the world today when it comes to LOYALTY.

Loyalty is learned, in close families...
 Loyalty is learned in friendships...
Loyalty is given to a home town, or sports team...
So why then is it too much to ask from my friendships?

I'm LOYAL. But I'm closing my door now. For now on, I'm only LOYAL to those who are LOYAL to me. It used to mean something. It still is a powerful quality to have. Perhaps loyalty is waisted on the wrong people.

1 comment:

  1. I understand how you feel Hun. I think people want to remain neutral because they feel it isn't their fight and they want to avoid any drama. But I do agree with you ,that if someone that I barely knew hurt a close friend of mine, I really can't see myself wanting to be around a person who was capable of being that vendictive. I would have to ask myself, how much did this person ever talk to me before all this stuff went down. They think they are being neutral but they are being used as a pawn to purposly upset another. The only way Patsy knew any of our friends was through us and I never really remember seeing her talk to certain people so much untill this all went down. I guess it's because she was so rude to us we can't understand why she has anyone to talk too. I don't know it's a goofy situation.What ever is meant to be will be. Love ya.
